Witches Hat Styled Photo
Beautifully styled stock photography mockup featuring spilled candy corn, Halloween party decor and a Witches Hat.
Styled Photo is ready to download and use to overlay your design, art print, promo wording or as is. These look great online in your shop!
Photo Mock up comes in high resolution 300 DPI at 4000px across at least.
// This is an actual styled photo, not a digital reproduction. Items in photo are not on layers and cannot be rearranged. Image is a flat JPG.
Our styled photos are arranged and photographed in our studio. Use a beautifully styled mock up on your website or blog for a polished, more professional look.
Graphics can be used for any personal projects. Project is not to be sold, shared or redistributed in any way.
If photos of project are shared online, graphic credit attributed to Jessica Weible Illustrations is greatly appreciated.
All Original Artwork and Rights are © 2022 Jessica Weible Illustrations LLC.
Graphics can be used for any commercial projects as long as the images are protected in a way that will disallow extraction.
Using graphics commercially requires attribution in your product description back to Jessica Weible Illustrations.
All Original Artwork & Rights care ©2022 Jessica Weible Illustrations LLC.
If you do not wish to place graphic credit in your product descriptions you may choose to purchase the extra license for this privilege.
Please do not sell these images and claim them as your own. All rights belong to Jessica Weible Illustrations.